- Low voltage power running under swale drain – could this be a future problem for erosion or when the drain is cleaned out with heavy machinery?
- Service locating an industrial estate
- It might be difficult to see – flooding rain has caused erosion and exposed the warning tape above a high pressure gas main
- Underground utilities make tree stump grinding difficult
- LV power running through a paddock
- Locating electrical cable on a rural hillside so it can be reinstate after the property was destroyed by a fire a few years ago
- Service locating a new estate to help landscapers protect the underground assets
- Gas service almost hit by post install – have you service located before driving in posts, not after.
- Pipe and cable locating in preparation for tree stump grinding.
- Using a traceable duct rodder to identity the direction and depth or storm water pipes before piles are drilled
- Inspecting a Cathodic Protection System (CPS) linked to a steel gas main.
- Gas pit lid
- Inaccessible storm water pit makes life difficult for underground service locators to do a comprehensive job
- Inspecting and measuring a sewer system – it was deep, real deep!
- Sometimes paint marking isn’t the answer – in conditions where paint wont stand out or might get mown over, we use flags for a longer lasting option of marking pipes and cables
- Sometime digging even 1 shovel blade deep can be risky – here we have a water service that is only 200 mm deep.
- Locating a a metropolitan nature strip in preparation for excavation and install of a new driveway and crossover
- Using non-destructive digging to safely expose a high pressure gas main before excavation starts.
- DWB Service Locating
- BYDA Certified Service Locator Charlie Euston poses for the camera
- Underground service locator poses in Golden Plains Shire in front of wind farm turbines